College Principal

As we prepare to celebrate Shavuot next week, our thoughts naturally turn to the delicious dairy dishes that we get to eat. Shavuot, marking the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, is a time for us to come together and enjoy an array of delicious cheese products that highlight the bounty and joy of this special occasion. Shavuot is synonymous with a variety of sumptuous dairy foods that are as rich in tradition as they are in flavour. Looking forward to the week ahead, we can expect cheese cakes of all varieties, cheese boards, cheese blintzes, pizza and any other dairy delicacies that your heart desires.
You might wonder why dairy products feature so prominently in our Shavuot celebrations. The tradition is rooted in our history and religious practice. When the Torah was given on Mount Sinai, the Jewish people did not yet know the laws of kashrut, particularly those concerning the preparation of meat. As a result, they opted for dairy meals, which were simpler to prepare under the new dietary laws they had just received. This practical choice has since evolved into a beloved tradition.
As the Talmud teaches us, Mount Sinai was chosen for the giving of the Torah not because of its grandeur but because of its modesty. This lesson in humility is one we carry forward, appreciating the simple and sincere over the ostentatious. The humble nature of dairy foods mirrors the humility of Mount Sinai. Rabbi Yosef Caro, the author of the Shulchan Aruch, notes, “Just as the mountain was humble, so too must we receive the Torah with humility.” This sentiment is echoed by Rabbi Moshe Isserles, who adds, “The custom of eating dairy on Shavuot reminds us of the purity and simplicity with which we should approach the Torah.”
As we celebrate Shavuot, enjoy the delightful dairy dishes, reflect on the significance of the Torah, and remember the values of humility and purity that this holiday embodies. May your Shavuot be filled with learning, laughter, and, of course, lots of delicious cheese!
As a special Shavuot gift, I share below the recipe for my favourite cheesecake in the world.

Mrs Charet’s husband’s baked cheesecake
100g butter, melted
1 pack of crushed biscuits (shortbread or other sweet crumbly biscuit)
4 egg whites
500g cream cheese
600ml sour cream
175g (1 cup) sugar
1½ tsp vanilla extract
Combine butter and crushed biscuits, line cake mould with mix, and refrigerate until firm (at least 20 minutes).
Beat egg whites until white peaks form.
Beat cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla extract until combined and smooth (emphasis on smooth – absolutely no lumps). Fold egg whites into cheese mix until amalgamated, then spoon into prepared crust.
Bake at 175°C (fan-forced) for approximately 50 minutes, with baking tray underneath to catch any overflow / melted butter. Cake is ready when brown on top.
Chag Sameach and enjoy!
Mrs Raquel Charet
College Principal