As we wrap up the final term of the academic year, I reflect on the challenges and triumphs we have experienced together. This term marked my first as the principal of Masada College, and it began with an unfortunate event that had a profound impact on our community.
The terrorist attack on Israel on October 7th and the subsequent Israel-Hamas war created a difficult start to the term. The local and global escalation of antisemitism deeply affected our Jewish community. This was brought home personally to us at Masada College when our request for a quote for outdoor games was rejected, with the provider publicly stating on social media that they don’t want our "blood money." However, this incident sparked an incredible outpouring of support from the wider Australian community, with messages of solidarity against antisemitic behaviour. In our own Jewish community Masada hosted our North Shore Community Solidarity BBQ in support of the victims of the 7th October, the hostages and their families, soldiers and their families and everyone living in Israel right now. With over one thousand attendees, it was the largest gathering of the North Shore Jewish community in memory.
Despite these challenges facing the Jewish community, life has continued for the students at Masada College. Junior School camp went ahead, with children returning exhausted after three days and two nights of fun. Senior School classes are concluding for the year, and we are currently immersed in Ignition projects, celebrating our school's renowned entrepreneurial spirit. A special experiential learning fun week was organised for our Year 10 students, culminating in a Shabbaton with the Newcastle Jewish community for those who missed out on their MIT trip.
Looking ahead, we have exciting events lined up, including final concerts, awards ceremonies, and Chanukah celebrations, as we bring this academic year to a close. As we eagerly anticipate the holiday break, our sincere hope is for the safe return of the Israeli hostages and a peaceful conclusion to the war in Israel.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the warm welcome I have received from this incredible community. Your support has been invaluable, and I am excited about the prospects and challenges that the coming year, 2024, will bring.
Wishing you all a restful holiday break and looking forward to continued growth and success in the future.
Raquel Charet College Principal
From the Executive Team
Deputy Principal - November
In 2023, our chosen Prefect slogan, "Be the change you want to see" set a profound and positive tone for the year. It called upon every member of our College community to contribute, both in significant ways and through small actions, to help us reach our full potential. As we take this time to reflect on our vision, goals, and accomplishments, we look back on the year that passed and look forward to the future.
It's astonishing how quickly 2023 has drawn to a close. This year was filled with opportunities to be proud, particularly after several years of challenges that limited our ability to provide a complete educational experience to our students and community. This experience, and particularly with the tremendous impact on our community of late, has emphasised the critical importance of connection and interaction for the wellbeing of each individual in our College community.
Throughout the year, our students excelled both inside and outside the classroom. Whilst there have been many highlights, too many to mention, several of particular mention include our Pathways Camps and Shabbatons, Duke of Edinburgh, Living Historians, Pink Stumps Day, Diversity Day, Wellbeing Week, Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut, Performing Arts evening and always a must-see, our HSC showcase featuring our talented students across multiple disciplines. On behalf of our dedicated educators and staff, I express my heartfelt gratitude to our students for their efforts in representing themselves, their families, and our College with distinction.
Ignition Building on the tremendous success of our Ignition experience last year, this promised to be a highlight for our Year 7-9 students. Central to our approach at Masada College is our culture of thinking - this is at the heart of Ignition this week. Our dedicated and passionate Ignition team, consisting of Mrs Grace, Mr Baker, Dr Yau, Mrs Davies and Mrs Grana, ably supported by our entire teaching staff ensured the last few weeks of term were full of critical and creative thinking with real-world experiences.
I would like to thank our talented staff and students, as well as our community ‘investors’ who so willingly gave up their time to support this exciting initiative.
Reflection on the year As all of our students are undertaking or have just completed some assessments for the year, our attention turns to review, reflection and goal setting. Assessment for the sake of assessment, at least in my mind, is a waste of our time. What we do with the feedback obtained by undertaking the assessment is key.
Throughout the year I have met with our Year 10, 11 and 12 students and their parents/carers to review and reflect together. Our Review and Reflect meetings provide a time to take stock, to assess what is next, what we are aspiring for and how we can get there intact. At its core, our review and reflect sessions with students are an opportunity to slow down and focus on what’s possible.
The end of year is a special time. The mind kicks into reflection mode (the past), wonders what’s next (the future), and ideally also practises gratitude (the present). We may ask ourselves:
What did I do well?
What can I do better?
What more can I do?
How else can I contribute to the people who matter most in my life?
What do I want next year to look like?
Self-reflection is a humbling yet powerful experience. It’s one of the best ways to maximise our learning, discover how we do our best work and improve our performance. In its simplest form, reflection means taking time to think, examine and review ourselves. Reflection is a structured process, which allows us to step back and systematically review past events. To get the most value, we must ensure we move beyond the surface level of what happened and dig a little deeper.
Some people find this uncomfortable as it makes us take an honest look at ourselves: our current level of skills, our behavioural patterns, our strengths and weaknesses, and how we influence others. But for those who are willing to take an honest look at themselves, experience will turn into significant growth.
As we ask our students, staff and community to review and reflect on the year we have experienced together, we take an opportunity to learn and grow together and plan what’s in store for a successful 2024.
Farewells and Welcomes At this time of year, we also say a fond farewell to some of our colleagues:
Liora Hayman, Head of Learning Area - Jewish Life and Experiential Learning, recently commenced her maternity leave and will return to us in late Term 4, 2024. We wish Liora well as she welcomes her first child into the world. Shoshana Gottleib will be Acting Head of Learning Area during this time.
Jess Lyons, Head of Learning Area - Performing Arts (ELC-12) recently commenced her maternity leave and will return to us in Term 1, 2025. We wish Jess well as she also welcomes her first child into the world. Laura Peisley will be Acting Head of Learning Area during this time.
Jane Wolter, Katie Virgona and Holly Chinneck joined us temporarily earlier this year. They have been a tremendous asset to their respective Learning Areas and we look forward to seeing them back in a casual capacity next year. We thank Jane, Katie and Holly for their contributions.
We look forward to welcoming some new staff members to the College in 2024. More details of our newest additions to the Masada faculty will be announced at the beginning of the new school year.
We wish our entire community a restful and happy summer break.
If I can be of assistance at any time, please reach out to me by email: or by phone: 02 9449 3744.
Ryan Gill Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School
Head of Junior School - November
As we approach the end of year at Masada College, take a moment to reflect on the achievements and growth that have defined our school community. It has been a year filled with learning, collaboration, and resilience, and we are immensely proud of the accomplishments of our students, teachers, and staff in what has been a challenging year.
The Junior School is currently abuzz with activity as we eagerly prepare for our final events and celebrations of the year. Our Chanukah concerts and presentation morning are highlights, providing cherished opportunities for our community to gather, celebrate, reflect, and share meaningful moments. I extend a warm invitation and hope to see you at one of these special end of year events.
Gratitude to Junior School Teachers: At this time, I would like to extend my gratitude to all of the teachers in the Junior School for their tireless dedication throughout the year. Their commitment to providing enriching learning experiences, both within and beyond the classroom, enhances our students’ academic and personal growth.
Farewells: As we approach the close of the year, we bid a fond farewell to some valued members of the Masada team. With sadness, we say goodbye to Mrs Simone Sharples, Miss Lauren Ford, Rabbi Meyers and Morah Ruth Yahalom. Each of them has contributed significantly, and their dedication will be deeply missed by staff, students, and the broader community. We also thank Mrs Jan Stuart for the additional support she has provided to Year 4 in the second half of the year.
Welcoming New Additions in 2024: Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of new staff members in 2024, some of whom may already be familiar to you and your children. Details about our newest additions will be shared in due course, and we look forward to embracing fresh perspectives and talents within our Masada family.
As the year draws to a close, I extend my warmest wishes to our entire community for a well deserved break. May this time be an opportunity for rejuvenation, allowing you to recharge and spend quality moments with family, friends, and loved ones.
Karen Gunasekara Head of Junior School
Head of Jewish Life - November
'A little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness’ Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi
As we approach Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, it's important to reflect upon the power of spreading light and positivity. Across the school, our students have embraced this message over the last few weeks, focusing on the power of each positive deed and the power of each individual in making a difference, whilst also giving strength to our brothers and sisters in Israel. Whether it is the small acts of kindness between one another, adding extra mitzvot in their daily routine such as Tzedakah (charity) each morning, or lighting Shabbat candles.
Some highlights from across the school include;
A successful community wide event in solidarity with Israel brought together a host of communal organisations and over 1000 members of the North Shore community coordinated by our dedicated and capable Jewish Life leaders, Danya Lewin and Jared Horak.
ELC: Excitement is in the air as the children are immersed in their Chanukah learning and rehearsing for their Chanukah concerts and preparing special Chanukah crafts. The Green and Blue room are looking forward to joining the Junior school as they present their special performance as part of the end of year Chanukah concert. The ELC welcomed Danya Lewin to the team and she has already contributed to the children’s Jewish learning experience and has added extra Ruach and excitement. The ELC is also participating in the ‘Yachad initiative’ where students will be filling an envelope with some thoughtful items to be sent to children in Israel to feel the support and love from around the world.
Junior School: An exciting extra dimension of Jewish experiences was included in the Junior School camp this year, with special thanks to Jared Horak for bringing the Ruach/spirit across the three days of camp and Rivky Shuchat from Jems for coordinating the night activity on Tuesday evening. Students in Years 2, 5 and 6 had an incursion with Rabbi Shlomo Israel, a Sofer (scribe) who gave them a hands-on workshop teaching them how kosher mezuzot are made. Year 6 also has a special visit to the Mikvah at Chabad North Shore with a special tour and presentation by Rebbetzin Shapiro. They will also participate in a Chanukah themed JNF incursion.
Students across the school are immersed in their Chanukah learning and preparation for their end of year concert, and are excited for their participation in the Chanukah fete. Students have also been encouraged to light their own Chanukiah this year as a special opportunity to add more light to our world. A very exciting Chanukiah lighting competition ‘Snap and Win’ has been launched with some fantastic prizes on offer.
Our final initiative for Israel this term is the ‘Yachad initiative’. Students will be filling an envelope with some thoughtful items to be sent to children in Israel, a tangible way for them to feel the support and love from around the world.
Senior School: SRC hosted a bake sale to raise money for Israel, students have been saying a prayer for Israeli soldiers every morning, and participated in a special Chanukah learning session run by the Jewish Life leaders. Year 7 had Rebbetzin Shapiro as a guest speaker to conclude their unit on diversity within Judaisim. Year 8 had an immersive evening with their families called the ‘Night of Jewish Notables’, where they showcased their research on impactful personalities within Jewish history. An incredible program for the Year 10 students in place of MIT was planned offering an exciting and meaningful program that includes a community building hackathon, a variety of exciting trips and concluding the week with an inspirational Shabbaton in Newcastle.
This week also marks the beginning of Mrs Liora Hayman's maternity leave. We wish Liora a ‘Bsha Tova’ and bid her farewell. Her dynamic presence will be missed by both students and staff. We extend our gratitude to Liora for her unwavering dedication and devotion to Masada College over the past five years. Wishing her the very best of luck in the exciting new chapter ahead.
Shterny Dadon College Head of Jewish Life
Learning & Teaching - November 2023
Junior School - Ms Carla Gagliano
Senior School - Mrs Jen Grace
Junior School - Ms Carla Gagliano
Not all classrooms have four walls
Tuesday 14 November 2023 saw Masada Cottage Blue and Green Rooms, Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2 participate in Outdoor Classroom Day Australia. To date, more than 10 000 000 children around the world have taken part in this initiative which aims to increase physical and mental health, enhance engagement with learning, provide a better understanding of the environment and develop key life skills.
Our Masada College learners took part in outdoor literacy, mathematics, creative arts and sport activities in multi-age groupings to celebrate the day.
Some reflections from our day…
The activity I enjoyed the most…
was rock painting because it was relaxing and dedicated to Israel.
was the scavenger hunt because I got to have a buddy from the Green Room. We worked well together and had fun.
the obstacle course because it was so fun!
reading because I liked reading to a buddy
making the words ‘We Stand with Israel’ because I liked collecting bits of nature to copy the letters and we really do stand with Israel.
How I felt when I was learning outside…
happy because we were learning in different ways
refreshed because it was very fun and good to learn with different grades and kids.
calm because I was relaxed while I was rock painting.
amazing because every activity was soooo fun! It was one of the best days ever!!!!
relaxed because it felt good being outside.
I felt peaceful and calm.
Something that surprised me was…
it was fun to play with kids that I don't usually play with.
the scavenger hunt because of all of the different things we had to find.
that I made new friends.
the different activities we could do outside.
how fun it was because we were working as a team.
Carla Gagliano Head of Learning & Teaching, YK-6
Senior School - Mrs Jen Grace
As the end of the year draws to a close I would like to say a big thank you to all the students and teachers for all they have contributed to our learning community.
Thank you for:
Believing in yourself
Believing in others
Being kind
Allowing optimism and hope to prevail
Facing the challenge head on
Seeking solutions
Embracing opportunities
Seeking help
Being honest
Respecting others
Respecting yourself
Appreciating wise words
Seeking answers
Being true to yourself
Building empathy
Having fun!
This year will be memorable for so many reasons. I have been in awe of our students and staff's flexibility, comradery and optimism at many pivotal points throughout the year. Well done for all the little moments that have built our special community.
Ignition Years 7-9
Ignition week is now running as part of Masada's interdisciplinary, collaborative and personalised suite of learning programmes. After the acclaimed success of Ignition last year, we are excited to see what our students will come up with!
Our students are exploring the design brief: 'Let's Make the World a Better Place to Live in' and are embarking on a rollercoaster journey of learning as they ideate and prototype, to create an original product or service in their teams. By the end of the learning experience our entrepreneurial teams will be pitching their ideas to a panel of experienced entrepreneurs and business experts. I would like to thank our volunteer 'investors' who will decide on our Ignition prize winners!
Our Ignition programme is intricately designed as a response to our complex world and the imperative for education to do more than just prepare our students for standardised tests and assessments. Our world is filled to the brim with complexity, ambiguity and opportunity that our young people need to be prepared for! At Masada we will continue to build our students' learning and thinking dispositions in order to be ready for this ever evolving world!
During these weeks our students are not experiencing the traditional curriculum as we know it and have the opportunity to explore content and knowledge from multiple perspectives as they engage with their curiosities, extend their critical and creative thinking skill set and invest in a fully collaborative team effort to unravel the mystery of the projects! We are seeing learning diversify in unique and truly inspirational ways! Our Ignition programme has been designed by our facilitation team to offer enough scope for personalised and authentic learning to suit student interest and preference.
Each student has a member of the teaching team who is supporting them as their mentor. At the end of the Ignition weeks you will be receiving an email from your child's mentor to share with you the strengths that they have seen in your child's contribution.
Ignition Celebration Day Thursday 7th December We look forward to the final celebration day that will take place on Thursday 7th December and we invite interested parents and carers to join us to see who the investors will crown Ignition winners 2023! Click here to RSVP by Tuesday 5 December.
Please see below the invite to this special event as we welcome interested parents and carers to join us as the students profile their work.
Jen Grace Head of Learning & Teaching, Y7-12
Academic Care - November
Junior School - Mrs Desray Maltz
Senior School - Mrs Natalie Street
Junior School - Mrs Desray Maltz
Camp for Years 3-6 was a positive and collaborative three day experience. There were many opportunities to foster teamwork, a sense of community and individual growth. It is these opportunities where we see the best in our students. The way they encouraged each other to conquer their fears and abseil from the highest tower, the way they supported each other during activities, and the way they joined together, no matter their grade, to work as a team while at the same time developing their sense of self.
Our students celebrated their shared accomplishments and realised that they could achieve more as a team than on their own. As the 2023 academic year draws to a close I reflect on our teamwork throughout the year and would like to thank the Junior School community for their partnership.
With the summer holidays fast approaching, I encourage each and every one of you to take a well-deserved break and enjoy a restful holiday. This is a time to unwind, recharge, and spend quality moments with family and friends. Reflect on the achievements and challenges of the past year, and embrace the opportunities that the new year brings.
Children, use this time to explore your interests, read for pleasure, and engage in activities that bring you joy. Celebrate your progress and set realistic goals for yourself. Embrace the wonderful opportunities that lie ahead and remember that we are a TEAM. We are better when we work together.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller
Des Maltz Head of Academic Care, YK-6
Senior School - Mrs Natalie Street
As the end of the year draws to a close, it's an opportunity for us to reflect on achievements, both inside and outside of the classroom, successes in hobbies, sports and other interests, the formation of new friendships, overcoming challenges or maybe it's as simple as reflecting on the small things that bring us join each day. For this last newsletter article, our Year Patrons have reflected on 2023 with their respective grades.
Year 7 - Miss Zeman This year has been a remarkable journey for our Year 7 students, and it has been an absolute pleasure to witness their growth and development. Throughout the academic year, these young individuals have not only flourished academically but have also demonstrated significant progress in building their organisational skills and growing their confidence. It has been particularly rewarding to engage with the students during Patron time, where we had the opportunity to work together as a cohesive group. Activities designed for their school capsules, exploration of group tasks, and lively lunchtime "Just Dance" sessions have added vibrant dimensions to our collective experience. Seeing the enthusiasm and collaborative spirit of Year 7 has been a joy, and I look forward with anticipation to continue watching these remarkable students flourish as they transition into Year 8.
Year 8 - Miss Mills This year was an action packed one for Year 8, with a broad range of activities including the STEM day, Art camp, Wicked the musical and a hands-on experience at Penrith Wetlands. I particularly enjoyed the Science Expo where students showcased their unique curiosity about the world around them. Students and teachers had a memorable time at the 8/9 Pathways camp where they bonded as a group and showed their strengths, compassion and teamworking skills during challenging situations. Year 8 has grown so much over the past year (not just in height) and I am very proud of their achievements both in and out of the classroom.
Year 9 - Miss Peisley As we reach the end of the year, I am delighted to reflect on the outstanding accomplishments of our Year 9 students. Their academic strides have been truly commendable and celebrate their dedication and hard work. A special acknowledgment goes to those who completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, marking a significant milestone that is reflective of their dedication and perseverance. Another notable highlight was the Year 9 Roots Project Evening which provided a captivating glimpse into the students' profound connection to their history and culture. Our forward-focused Patron Time activities, tailored to prepare them for the final years of high school, have been instrumental in cultivating essential life skills. From resume building to the insightful Morrisby Assessment, our students are equipped with invaluable tools for the journey ahead. I look forward to watching this cohort build on their successes and achieve even greater heights in Year 10.
Year 10 - Mrs Bresler 2023 has been a rich and busy year for Year 10. Spending time with Living Historians provided a rare insight into the lives of our Holocaust survivors. Work experience allowed our students the opportunity to see what their potential future employment might look like. Pathways camp, always a highlight, certainly lived up to its expectations. Finally, as compensation for our students missing out on the Masada Israel Tour, a week of educational and fun activities culminating in a Shabbaton in Newcastle, is a wonderful way to end a full and wonderful year.
Year 11 - Miss Kirkpatrick This year has been a successful year for all Year 11 students and it has been wonderful to see them mature and commit to their learning goals. Throughout the year, seeing the students participate in College life from the Purim Ball and school carnivals and take on student leadership opportunities has been excellent. Attending Pathways Camp and spending quality time together has been a highlight for me. Furthermore, it was rewarding hearing and witnessing their incredible dedication and improvement in their academic grades and showcasing the success I am sure they will have in Year 12. I look forward with excitement and sadness as they transition into their final year at the College and look forward to continuing to celebrate their triumphs and growth as young men and women.
Year 12 - Mrs Virgona The final year for our Year 12 cohort was challenging yet rewarding and it has been a pleasure to help navigate this journey along-side them. A highlight was the HSC Showcase where we witnessed their oral presentations for the extension subjects as well as the Society and Culture pips. This was followed by the Design and Technology and Visual Art Exhibition in the hall, while being entertained by the Music students and treated to the culinary delights of the Hospitality students. The night highlighted the diverse talents within our Year 12 cohort. The Year 12 Shabbaton in Term 3 was an opportunity for some downtime after their Trials, before tackling the HSC. I wish them well in their future endeavours and hope that they cherish the memories of their high school journey.
On behalf of the Academic Care Team, we wish our families a happy holiday and restful time with each other. We look forward to continuing to support the Masada community in 2024.
Natalie Street Head of Academic Care, Y7-12
Jewish Life
Enrolment News - November
Masada College Early Learning Centre 2025 - Enrolling Now Masada College offers classes for two, three and four year olds. SUMMER Monday through Friday - 7:30am to 6:00pm WINTER Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - 7:30am to 6pm and Friday - 7:30am to 4:15pm All food is included. If you have a child this age or know someone that does, please contact the Enrolments office to begin the process to secure a place in our beautiful purpose built facility. Please encourage anyone you know not currently at Masada to contact the enrolments office at or register for a Centre Tour via our website as we would love for them to join us.
Kindy 2024 and 2025 - Enrolling Now Please encourage anyone you know not currently at Masada to contact the enrolments office at or register for a School Tour via our website as we would love for them to join us.
Year 7, 2024 and 2025 - Enrolling Now Please encourage anyone you know not currently at Masada to contact the enrolments office at or register for a School Tour via our website as we would love for them to join us.
ACARA Family Data Collection
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing, evaluating and reporting statistical and related information related to education. As part of this ACARA collects student background data (SBD) for students at all Australian schools for the purpose of calculating Socio-Educational Advantage and Disadvantaged Language Background other than English (DLBOTE). This information is used to determine loadings for Commonwealth Funding.
We ask each family to access their SEQTA Engage account, and check their details are correct. There are four tabs to update - Personal, Addresses, Occupation & Census Information. Your SEQTA Engage account can be accessed via this link -
Masada Cottage
Fun and learning all the way!
As the end of the school year draws near, we have been so busy in the Green Room. We have been consolidating all our skills in preparation for the next step in our learning journey, whilst having so much fun.
Throughout the year we teach our children about feelings and how to keep our bodies safe. Our special talk with Debrah Blackman highlighted these important facts through her books and illustrations.
Outdoor Day was an absolute blast as the children spent a huge part of the day enjoying outdoor learning. A highlight of this day was the obstacle course which challenged our strength and coordination but more importantly having fun with our friends in the ‘big school’.
Teaching our children about looking after our environment underpins our everyday teaching. We emphasise the importance of thinking about our actions to save the world. Together we can make a difference in saving our world- we are the future. The incursion by the RecycleMan, where each child became a superhero, further highlighted these vital messages. Each child was involved in many hands-on activities that demonstrated how we could reduce, reuse, and recycle materials in our everyday lives.
What a fun-filled and busy 2023. We can’t wait to show off our hard work in our end of year concert, as our families join us to see our beautiful artworks on display in the classroom and sing and move to our favorite songs.
As part of national recycling week the Early Learning Centre had a fantastic incursion from the awesome Recycleman, superhero. The show was interactive and educated the children on the importance of Recycling and ongoing sustainability. The children gained environmental awareness and learned how our recycling bin system works and what they can do everyday to help at home, at school and within the wider community.
The passion and excitement expressed by Recycleman coupled with the use of costumes, games and visual aids kept the children engaged throughout the sustainability show.
Chanukah at the ELC
The children at the early learning center embraced the festive spirit as they delved into the joyous celebration of Chanukah.Excitement filled the air as the little ones eagerly participated in counting the candles in Hebrew.
Teachers facilitated interactive activities, encouraging the kids to express their understanding of the holiday through art and storytelling.The room echoed with laughter and joy as the children reenacted the heroic tale of the Maccabees, fostering a deeper connection to the cultural and historical aspects of Chanukah.Excited whispers in both English and Hebrew filled the air as the youngsters proudly shared their newfound knowledge with one another.Hands-on experiences, such as creating menorah crafts, enhanced the children's tactile understanding of the holiday and its traditions.
The atmosphere buzzed with curiosity as the little ones asked questions about Chanukah, demonstrating their eagerness to absorb and comprehend the cultural lessons.Group activities, such as singing traditional Chanukah songs, further immersed the children in the festive celebration, promoting a sense of unity and community.
Junior School
Junior School Music Showcase
On Tuesday the 28th of November, Masada College families and friends were treated to performances given by students from the Stage Two and Three curricular ensembles and the co-curricular choirs and instrumental groups. It was fantastic to see our students from Kindergarten to Year Six showcase their vocal and instrumental talents through an exciting and diverse range of repertoire.
We are so proud of our young musicians for their dedication and commitment, and congratulate them on their performances. Year Four students, who began learning their instruments only at the beginning of the year, are to be applauded for their achievements and are encouraged to build upon their learning and continue on their journeys with their instruments as they enter Year Five.
2024 promises to be a fantastic year with many exciting opportunities available to students. We look forward to seeing our musicians thrive and go from strength to strength.
Year 5 Moving Bodies
On Monday, October 30, the Year 5 students embarked on an excursion to Moving Bodies, an adventure-filled space that left them buzzing with excitement. This outing was tailored to complement our ongoing Science unit on forces, providing a hands-on experience that brought the concepts we've been studying to life.
The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the main Ninja Warrior course, which the students tackled in teams. It was heartening to witness the camaraderie and teamwork that unfolded. They supported one another, lending a helping hand when needed, and cheered each other on through every twist and turn.
One of the most exhilarating moments of the morning came when students faced the formidable warped wall. Every single student took on the challenge, proudly ringing the buzzer when they reached the top. The sense of accomplishment radiating from their faces was truly inspiring.
Reflecting on the excursion, the students had much to share: Joshua remarked, “We got to challenge ourselves.” This encapsulates the essence of the day, where students pushed their boundaries and discovered new strengths.
Daniel said, “I enjoyed climbing up the warped wall, I felt very proud of myself for reaching the top.” It’s moments like these that instill a sense of confidence and self-belief.
Simon enjoyed the opportunity to face the obstacles alongside friends, sharing, “I loved trying my best on all the obstacles and the best was to do it with my friends.”
Year 6 Service Projects - Sustainable Lunch Boxes by Aidan Shuan
Hi, my name is Aidan, and as part of a school project called The Aristotle Project, I have been making my school lunch. I have applied one rule: my lunch containers need to be either reusable or recyclable leaving a clean and positive impact on our earth. I found that by helping not only my mum but by helping our environment I would make an everlasting difference. As climate change becomes a more well-known problem in today's day and time I believe that I can make a difference one family at a time, therefore, I challenge you to be the one to make a difference, don't wait for the difference to happen the longer we wait the more we are destroying our, home our earth, and our future.
Below I provide an easy school lunch planner for your child at home to start helping around the house. These meals are simple therefore any child of any age 7 and above can make their own school lunch. Every week you as parents will need to purchase the ingredients for the upcoming week. My planner provides practice for younger children to start doing things by themselves, building the lifelong skill of independence.
Print this table out and put it somewhere out so that your child can easily see.Then sit back and relax and enjoy your never needing to make your child's school lunch ever again.
Women of the North - November
Our Year 4-6 girls had the most fantastic Women of the North session with Tali Israelstam who is a clinical psychologist. Tali spoke to them about what psychologists do and some of the reasons why people might go and see a psychologist. The girls were so engaged and inquisitive, showing a level of maturity far beyond their years. We are so thankful to have women in our community who are happy to come and share her valuable knowledge and experiences with us. Thank you Tali for inspiring our young minds!
Jewish Life Events and Update - November
The Junior School is in full preparation mode for Chanukah. Those students involved in the acting of the Chanukah play have dedicated their time to preparing for their parts and are doing a wonderful job in doing so. The Chanukah concert will be an opportunity for year groups to showcase Chanukah songs combined with musical performances which are being taught in music by Mr Burgess.
We continue with the theme “Every mitzvah counts” by embracing the spirit of giving and kindness. A special focus is on igniting light, symbolising hope and unity, both for Chanukah and for Israel. The prepurchase of DIY Chanukiah kits and activities to partake in at the Chanukah Fete following the concert will contribute to a meaningful cause — supporting Israel. This initiative reflects the school's commitment to instilling values of charity and global awareness in its students.
The Snap and Win challenge encourages students to light the Chanukiah for the 8 nights of the chag which in itself is fulfilling the mitzvah of Chanukah. Students can then send pictures of themselves lighting the Chanukiah to go in the draw to win a monetary prize.
We look forward to the exciting build up to a positive and fun culmination to the year.
Child Protection Workshops
Junior school students have recently completed Child Protection workshops led by Deborah Blackman. The program focused on crucial topics using a variety of engaging methods such as storytelling, age-appropriate scenarios, discussions, and role plays.
The covered subjects included:
Exploring feelings (with more emphasis on Kindergarten)
Identifying warning signs
Differentiating between good and bad secrets
Understanding private parts
Establishing a network of trusted adults
Seeking permission from parents before going anywhere (with detailed information in Years 1-6)
Knowing what to do if lost or in need of help
Throughout the workshops, students actively participated in discussions about their safety networks and identified trusted adults with whom they can communicate. We encourage parents to continue these vital conversations at home to reinforce the knowledge and skills gained during the workshops.
Year K Orientation
The children were so excited to have their parents engage in activities with them in the classroom before heading off to specialist lessons.
The children enjoyed a music lesson with Mr Burgess and then got active in a sport lesson with Mrs Franks. They played some fun games that focused on movement and listening skills.
After recess the children visited the library for a lesson with Mrs McLeod. They listened to a story about a very ugly insect and made their own insect using playdough and craft materials. This was followed by an Art lesson with Ms Franks where the children drew their very own rainbow fish and painted it with water colours.
To end off the day the children had a Jewish Studies lesson with Morah Gerson - they shared all of the information they knew about Chanukah, played a memory game and even made their own sevivon.
I asked the children what their favourite part of the day was and these are some of their responses:
Zac: “Making the sevivon and playing with my brother Gabe”.
Kobi: “Playing sport with the big kids at recess and lunch”.
Year 3-6 Camp
A Note from our School Captains - November
A Note from our School Captains
This is our last ever Hive article in 2023 as School Captains. As we write we reflect on our contributions and memories as School Captains. Being School Captain has been one of the greatest experiences of our lives. We have learnt how to lead from our amazing teachers that have nurtured and been supportive of us the whole way through our Masada journey. We thank them for their selfless actions and always wanting the best for us.
Looking back on this year we think of all the good times with friends, new initiatives and exciting projects. From learning about parliament in Canberra, to having fun with friends at camp, meeting Living Historians, and overall experiences that we will never forget. Year 6 has been a wild roller coaster with ups and downs but mostly smiles and laughs.
For our future Year 6 leaders:
We have learnt to manage time well and that doing the assignment as soon as you get it. Mrs McLeod always says “the work doesn’t go away it just piles up”. One other crucial lesson we have learnt this year is that everyone is a leader, whether they have a role as school or sport captain or not, you can be a leader if you chose to be. Try to be the best you can possibly be and always be a leader.
Thank you to everyone who has taught us and guided us through this unforgettable journey. We wish our very best luck to our 2024 future Year 6 leaders and hope they enjoy Year 6 as much as we have!
Micah and Ryan 😃
Surf Awareness
On Wednesday the 22nd of November, Years 3-6 students attended the annual Masada College Surf Awareness excursion. There was much excitement as we boarded the buses to Long Reef and Palm Beach.
Here are two reports from a few of the students:
At the end of a long bus ride with lots of screaming and shouting ‘Are we there yet?’, we finally arrived at Palm Beach. We put our stuff down and got our wetsuits on ready to shred some waves. We were divided into two groups, years 3 & 4 went surfing first and years 5 & 6 went boogie boarding. Our instructors explained the safety rules and how to get out of rips. Shortly after they told us to grab a board and hit the waves. The waves weren’t horrible but not the best. Most of us managed to get on and shred but some of us plummeted down but still managed to get back up again and give it another shot. Sometime after, we left our boards on the sand and went to have morning tea.
A little bit after morning tea, we ran straight back for boogie boarding and by the time we started the waves were so much better than when we were surfing. The year five and sixes had all the good waves for surfing. It was so unfair but at least we got good waves for boogie boarding. After that we all went to get changed and then went to have lunch.
After, we were back on the bus with a few snores from Miss Ford and Horak and some very tired kids who were definitely gonna have a long good night's sleep to get ready for another school day the next day.
By Karah (Year 4) and Harlow (Year 3).
Everyone jumped on the bus ready for a fun day at Long Reef beach.
All the boys from three to six were split into two groups, one group was just years three and four and the other was years five and six. First up the instructors taught us how to surf and then gave us safety tips and rules. Then we got into partners and then years three and four went to get a surfboard while year five and six went to get boogie boards. Then years three and four walked back down to the beach and put the surfboards down on the sand. The instructors gave us a demonstration on how to surf and we all got ready. The water was very cold, especially at first and when you got out of the water. An instructor took you out into sea with the surfboard and when there was a big wave the instructor turned you around and then waited for the right time to tell you to stand up on the board. It was really, really fun.
After that activity we got a snack and applied extra sunscreen. Our next activity was boogie boarding. First the instructors told us our safety tips and rules. One of them was to stay between two of the instructors in the water. In boogie boarding everyone could go at the same time. Similar to surfing, just as the wave comes you turn around so the wave can push you forward but there was a certain distance that you could swim out to. At the end of our activity we had some time to shower, get changed and eat. Then we got back on the bus and went back to school. Then we got ice blocks and time to play until home time. That was a fun day.
Ben (Year 4) and Sam (Year 3)
Surf Awareness report from Sport captain
3 2 1 stand up. This is how our surf lesson started. We were learning all the ways we could stabilize ourselves on the board before we went out in the surf.
The purpose of the day was not only to teach us how to surf but about how to be safe in the water. This is important because if we ever get stuck in a rip we need to know how to get out safely. Many people enjoyed learning how to surf and boogie board. Some people managed to stand up on the surfboard straight away whilst others took a few tries, but by the end most people were able to stand up. The instructors were very nice and very helpful and helped us stand up on the board.
For Year 6 this was our last Surf Awareness ever. Whilst we are sad to leave this fun day behind we enjoyed the fun seaweed fights, sand castles and sunbathing. We enjoyed sitting in the sand and talking. Everyone enjoyed the challenges of standing up and the joy of falling into the water. Surf Awareness was a blast.
Congratulations to our Year 7 and 8 students in our co curricular drama class for their outstanding performance ‘A new start, a new beginning’. It was an acclaimed success and profiled their extended skills and great collaborative work!